You’re Wonderful

You’re Wonderful

Whether it’s a truth you have a hard time believing or something you know deeply in the whole of your being, the phrase, “You’re wonderful,” just isn’t one most of us hear every day. This is true not only in our personal lives, but also in our media. The messages embedded into the beauty ideal that barrages us daily with buying imperatives usually go something like,

“Buy this to fix this” or “Try this to make you more that.” The main underlying message is that you’re not enough – not good enough, young enough, sexy enough, thin enough, and on and on. Instead of building us up, the agenda is to tear us down one notch at a time until we are

coerced into buying whatever will ever make us more or better than we are.
To that, I say, “Enough!” We here at Pure Mana aren’t buying it. We are not here to promote that beauty ideal. Our simple belief is that you are not only enough, but you are wonderful. And we’d like to offer you a way to elevate your skincare ritual so that you can indulge in your beauty.

We invite you to take a few moments each day to connect with yourself, to luxuriate in pure goodness, and feed your skin what it craves – the splendid gifts of this planet we live on. There is nothing to fix and no need to worry about what you’re not. You are enough. You deserve the best life has to offer.

When you give yourself the time to care for yourself, nurture yourself, and connect to the earth by taking in its most nourishing botanicals, you can remember to be centered in your own power and perfection. Giving to yourself isn’t selfish; it’s necessary.

So as many celebrate love and romance this month, celebrate you! You are wonderful, so take in the wonders earth offers. Take the time to take in its gifts as a gift to yourself.

You’re worth it.